Read some of my thoughts in The Chronicle of Higher Education regarding the ways campus activism has changed through social media. Image from The Chronicle of Higher Education
Appreciated the opportunity to talk with The Chronicle of Higher Education about social media, campus sexual violence, and the role of institutions in response. Read more about it here.
Panel: "Data Don't Speak for Themselves" with the National Center for Institutional Diversity9/23/2021 I had the opportunity to join Drs. W. Carson Byrd, Karly Sarita Ford, and Jameson David Lopez at the National Center for Institutional Diversity, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI), September 15, 2021 for the event, "Data Don't Speak for Themselves" to talk about the role of numbers, critical quantitative methodologies, and how to better use our research to move towards justice. Check it out. Image caption: from upper top-left corner in a clock-wise direction are Drs. Karly Sarita Ford, Carson Byrd, Katherine S. Cho, and Jameson D. Lopez. Listen to my podcast interview with Dr. Marvette Lacy where we talk about "Finishing the dissertation without burnout," on her podcast Office Hours with Dr. Lacy. I also reflect and write more about what we discussed here, which additionally includes links for iTunes and Spotify. Image from Qual Scholars instagram account
Read my interview with Chris Quintana, which featured my research from the American Education Research Assocation annual conference, in The Chronicle of Higher Education's article, "When Racism Roils a Campus, Colleges Respond. Will Students Be Satisfied?" Image from Chronicle article