ENTRIES OF Things I am learning. Things I have learned.
Reflections. IdeaS. DREAMS.
Reflections. IdeaS. DREAMS.
Today, I did not watch, listen, or engage with the Ford, Kavanaugh hearings. Yesterday, I did for a bit and even that small amount was distressing, upsetting, and triggering— the last of which, is unfortunately, an all too of a familiar reaction for many women (and some men) I know.
An amazing scholar I know, shared her thoughts about today and I'd highly recommend reading it: And from what I gather, now slowly working my way back to social media after distancing myself the whole day, it was the same story of the same lessons that were never learned— of how "boys will be boys" and let's discredit, disparage, and discard women's voices, feelings, opinions, and their entirety. Today is tiring. Tiring for women. And likely even more tiring for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Comments are closed.
In a year, I read somewhere around 100-200 books. I don't have a TV and I use reading as a form of escape, and I especially like reading outside of academia. It also helps with improving my writing :)
When I'm trying to concentrate, I like having background music that's super dramatic. For some reason, instrumental music is instrumental (pun!) in helping me concentrate. Most of the songs are Korean-drama OSTs (original sound tracks), w/ a few classical music scores in the mix!
CategoriesI don't categorize anything other than my "random round-ups" because it takes too much work (insert laughing emoji).
September 2024