ENTRIES OF Things I am learning. Things I have learned.
Reflections. IdeaS. DREAMS.
Reflections. IdeaS. DREAMS.
I'm in the middle of trying to (unproductively) revise my prospectus, which for my program, is a 2-page, single-spaced document that outlines what I hope will be my dissertation, and covers the following sections:
While I have one draft ready, it's definitely a product of a 2AM, caffeine binge so I've been trying to redo the introduction. The process has been... trying... to. say. the. least. So, for inspiration, I decided to stray from academic reading and looked up (apparently) the "100 Best First Lines from Novels" from American Book Review. After perusing the first couple, some of which I recognized, I also realized that the "100 best" has a lot of people in the 19th and 20th centuries— particularly white males. The list was a sharp reminder about how best often means the most dominant group, and those with the most power. And while I can admit there are some great openers on the list, I think I'll be more selective about how I go about finding "the best" book openers because so much brilliance, especially with marginalized and minoritized voices, is unheard, unacknowledged, unread, and unseen. (Patricia Hill Collins, whose book, Black Feminist Thought (link), writes brilliantly about this btw.) So if you have any recommendations and inspirations, please, send them my way. Comments are closed.
In a year, I read somewhere around 100-200 books. I don't have a TV and I use reading as a form of escape, and I especially like reading outside of academia. It also helps with improving my writing :)
When I'm trying to concentrate, I like having background music that's super dramatic. For some reason, instrumental music is instrumental (pun!) in helping me concentrate. Most of the songs are Korean-drama OSTs (original sound tracks), w/ a few classical music scores in the mix!
CategoriesI don't categorize anything other than my "random round-ups" because it takes too much work (insert laughing emoji).
September 2024